First Holy communion and confirmation in Bergen
European school
On saturday 17 June I celebrated H. Mass with first holy communion of four children and an adult person and holy confirmation of 18 candidates. It was a nice celebration, well prepared by the priest, Fr. Ruben Quisver, the sisters, schoolteacher and catechists.
Preparation for holy communion and holy confirmation was imparted partly during religion class at school, partly in the English speaking comunity that gathers weekly for the holy Eucharist in Bergen or Alkmaar. The children an young people were from different countries, I met people from Ireland, Italy, Spain, England, Slovenia and Frenchspeaking African countries.
I told the candidates (among other things):
"This is the most important thing of your life:
God loves you!
Today, dear candidates for holy communion
and confirmation,
you will recieve a beautiful sign of this love.
What a beautiful day,
what a special gift is it
that we celebrate today!
In Holy Communion
we welcome Jesus
as the guest of our souls.
Holy confirmation
is a feast of the holy Spirit
since you will recieve
the lifelong presence of the Spirit
in your hearts".