International Divine Mercy Feast in lockdown
Viering met Spaans, Pools, Engels en Nederlands
Zondag beloken pasen, Feest van de Goddelijke Barmhartigheid, hebben we in de kathedraal een speciale internationale viering gehouden. De priesters van de Poolse parochie en de Spaanse parochie waren bij de Eucharistieviering, pastoor Ruben Torres heeft de aanbidding geleid die daaraan vooraf ging. De pastoor van de Poolse parochie bracht een verrassing mee...
Pastoor Andrzej Szczepaniak van de Poolse parochie en pastoor Giancarlo Rizzo van de Spaanstalige parochie concelebreerden om aan dit feest voor hun eigen gemeenschappen toch een bijzonder accent te geven. Sinds enkele jaren is in de kathedraal de Engelstalige viering die wordt georganiseerd door the Divine Mercy Apostolate Holland, terwijl er in Heiloo een Nederlandse viering is. Malou Pimentel van dit Apostolaat deed de eerste lezing en voorbeden, pastoor Ruben Torres is eveneens met dit apostolaat verbonden.
Pastoor Andrzej Szczepaniak bracht een reliek van Sint Faustina mee, de heilige aan wier visioenen we de zondag van de Goddelijke Barmhartigheid te danken hebben. Dit jaar is het twintig jaar geleden dat zij heilig verklaard is.
Een viertal zangers van de El Shaddai gemeenschap (Amsterdam) luisterde de viering op, alles natuurlijk op Corona-afstand en zonder deelname van gelovigen in de kerk, maar wel verbonden met veel mensen thuis die de viering hebben gevolgd op de kathedraal TV (zie banner met link op deze website).
Het altaar in de kathedraal dat is gewijd aan de Goddelijke Barmhartigheid, aan H. paus Johannes Paulus II en H. zr. Faustina is versierd met rood-witte bloemboeketten en noveenkaarsen (zie foto)
Hier volgen de twee delen van de preek, eerst een deel in het Spaans, daarna in het Engels.
Sermón en español
Queridos hermanos y hermanas:
estamos espiritualmente unidos unos con otros.
Me alegra poder estar conectado con nosotros hoy
y participar así en esta celebración.
Vivimos en una situación de crisis
debido al Coronavirus.
Esto nos entristece y por eso
en esta celebración rezamos por cada uno de vosotros,
por todas las víctimas,
por las personas que están solas
o que se preocupan
por su trabajo e ingresos;
¡rezamos por todos!
¡Ten piedad, Oh Señor!
Una invitación
Pero toda esta situación
es también una invitación
para que tengamos más confianza
en la misericordia de Dios
y para ver más claro
que no podemos construir nuestras vidas
sobre el dinero, nuestra salud,
nuestras fuerzas y nuestra inteligencia.
Todo eso es frágil.
Toda esta difícil situación que estamos viviendo,
es una invitación para recordarnos:
Hombre, mujer, no eres tan grande, tan fuerte ni tan poderoso.
Todo lo que puedes hacer pasará, non permanece,
pero el amor de Dios dura para siempre.
Su amor permanece también cuando mueres.
Su misericordia, su amor no tiene fin, es eterno
y El te dirá: eres mi hijo, mi hija;
te quiero mucho.
Queridos hermanos y hermanas,
¡hoy queremos celebrar ese amor!
Homily in English
Lord have mercy!
“Lord have mercy”,
this is what the blind and the lepers
and the crippled and the poor
cried out when they met Jesus.
So many people in need,
with real physical need or spiritual distress,
approached our Lord,
asking Him, begging Him for mercy.
We too pronounce these words
at the beginning of every Mass:
“Lord, have mercy,
Christ, have mercy on us”.
And so many millions of people
around the world
pronounce these same words
and ask for mercy.
At the pews
A Haarlem artist, Simone de Groot,
has recently attached this exclamation
“Lord, have mercy”!
at the side of the pews of this cathedral church.
In these times of crisis
it is an expression
of the prayer of some many people:
Have mercy, o Lord,
and let this pandemic stop!
The importance of prayer
Today, dear friends,
we have come together, you and I,
not physically
but spiritually united we are;
and especially today
in our fervent desire
to experience the mercy of the Lord,
we feel united
in prayer, in thanksgiving,
in the celebration of His paschal mystery:
the Lord Jesus is truly risen!
Brothers and sisters,
prayer indeed is very important now
we are in urgent need
of a spiritual renewal in our society
that has drifted so far
from the love and mercy of God.
A world without God...
A world without God
does not see His image
in the unborn, the poor, the disabled,
the afflicted, the elderly, the sick, the dying,
it becomes a culture of death.
It is not that a Christian is a better person,
but a Christian knows
that if he has sinned,
he did wrong
and that he depends completely
on the grace and the loving mercy of Our Lord.
Please, stay close to the mercy of God,
you will bear life,
you will radiate mercy and love!
A relationship that fades away?
Yes, let’s have a close relationship
with Our Lord!
If you never talk to your husband,
if you never visit your parents and dear ones,
if there is no act of charity towards them,
if you don’t celebrate their anniversaries
if you are not there at important moments of their lives,
how will this relationship develop?
Of course, such a relationship will fade
and be extinguished at the end.
Dear friends,
things are not different
in our relationship with the Lord.
He is longing for our love, our acts of charity,
our spiritual connection with Him,
our response to His mercy.
So, let us pray for our self, our dear ones,
our society - often so far from God -
that the bond with the merciful Lord,
may be renewed and become deeper,
that our prayers become more ardent,
that faith, hope and charity may revive.
Have peace!
That is what we need now
in this pandemic.
Many people have fear,
many feel lonely,
others are ill and stay at home
or in a hospital
or they are struggling now a lot
in their families.
In the name of all those who suffer,
we pray to the Lord:
“Lord, have mercy”!
But, have peace in your hearts:
The Lord is merciful,
He will be with us,
He stays at our side,
whatever may happen,
that is why we celebrate today.
Why did this happen?
But why then,
did He let this happen?,
some people may ask.
How is it possible
that this occurred,
that He let this happen,
He, who is our merciful Father?
I cannot give a full answer
to that question;
since at the end,
we’ll always have to say:
inscrutable are the ways of the Lord.
We are like a grain of sand
and He is all the beaches of the world;
We are like a little drop of water
and He is all the oceans of the world,
We are human beings,
limited in space and time
and He is God,
boundless and for all eternity.
If a little child
is not able to understand
the reasoning of its parents,
how could we be able
to understand the depths of wisdom
of an eternal and infinite God?
Yet, He showed us His love and mercy
in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father.
Have confidence!
What we really need is confidence,
faith and trust in His mercy,
like a little child is trusting in its loving parents,
without understanding them really.
Abandon your ways of reasoning,
your proud and self-reliance,
don’t put your trust in your money,
your health, your abilities;
throw yourself completely
in the arms
of your merciful God and Father!
That’s the Lord’s invitation to all of you
on this feast of the Divine Mercy.
Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II
This is a special occasion.
Twenty years ago
Saint Faustina Kowalska,
the great apostle of Divine Mercy
was canonized by pope
saint John Paul II;
fifteen years ago
Saint John Paul II passed away
at the eve of Divine Mercy Sunday
and this year it will be hundred years ago
that this pope was born.
Pope John Paul II was a great apostle of Divine mercy too;
he said:
"The message [saint Faustina] brought
is the appropriate and incisive answer
that God wanted to offer
to the questions and expectations
of human beings in our time,
marked by terrible tragedies”.
And Jesus said to Sister Faustina one day:
“Humanity will never find peace
until it turns with trust to the Divine Mercy”.
Apostle of Divine Mercy
Let us do so and put our trust
in the Divine Mercy
and let us invite others
to do so as well.
Yes, I invite you to become
apostles of Divine Mercy.
Si, los invito a convertirse
en apóstoles de la Divina Misericordia.